Webinar: Public Service Motivation: Serving Your Community

Recorded On: 04/20/2023


In honor of Volunteer Recognition Day, PSHRA is hosting a discussion of Public Service Motivation.  During this session, participants will learn how to motivate, engage and retain employees by strengthening their connection to the community they serve.  Employees who develop a strong sense of connection and pride in serving their communities are more likely to go above and beyond to support the organization's mission and values. Best practices and employee testimonies will be shared to reinforce the power of connection and highlight how the City of Coral Springs has integrated employee volunteerism into their employee engagement and retention strategies.  Please join us on April 20th at 1:00 pm EDT to learn more:


Dale Pazdra, Deputy City Manager, City of Coral Springs, Florida

Kathy Reul, Director of Human Resources, City of Coral Springs, Florida

(For National PSHRA Members Only)

Dale Pazdra

Deputy City Manager

City of Coral Springs, Florida

Dale Pazdra was named Deputy City Manager in May 2022. He isresponsible for Human Resources, Parks and Recreation, Financial Services, theCity Clerk’s Office and the Coral Springs Center for the Arts. Pazdra joinedthe City of Coral Springs management team in 2006 and was promoted to Directorof Human Resources in 2011. He was named Assistant City Manager in March 2021.

Originally from the Chicago land area, Pazdra relocated toFlorida in 1992. Prior to joining the city, he worked in the private sector formore than 15 years. He has extensive knowledge and experience in all facets ofHuman Resources operations with an emphasis on leadership, strategic planning,and organizational development.  He has successfully led multiplecross-functional teams and quality initiatives to improve the delivery ofservices. During his career, he has established best practices foremployee engagement and retention. 

Pazdra has a heart for public service and demonstrates his commitment to ourcommunity by serving on multiple boards and committees.  He currentlyserves as a trustee for the Firefighters’ Pension Board and previously servedas a trustee for the General Employee Pension Board.  Pazdra is a memberof the City’s Affordable Housing Advisory Committee, staff liaison to the CoralSprings Community Chest, the Florida Institute of Government (FIOG) AdvisoryBoard, and the School of Public Administration (SPA) Advisory Board at FloridaAtlantic University.  Throughout his career, he has served as an officerfor the executive boards of various professional HR associations and otherlocal non-profit organizations, including the International Public ManagementAssociation for Human Resources (IPMA-HR).

Since 2011, Pazdra has been devoted to growing interest incareers related to public service.  Hefrequently works as an adjunct professor on a part-time basis at  Barry University where he teaches a variety ofundergraduate courses in Public Administration, Quality and ContinuousImprovement and Human Resources.  

Pazdra graduated from Barry University with a master’s degree in publicadministration (MPA) in 2010 and Elmhurst University with a bachelor’s degreein business management (BS) in 1990.

Kathy Reul

Director of Human Resources

City of Coral Springs, Florida

Kathy Reul is the Director of Human Resources for the City of Coral Springs. In her role she is responsible for Employee Safety, Health & Wellness, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, ADA Compliance, Employee Training & Development, and Community Relations. She also supports the organizational mission of recruiting, retaining, and developing the people who make the City of Coral Springs the premier community in which to live work and raise a family.  She joined the city in 2016, having worked previously in the private sector for more than 20 years. Prior to her promotion to Director, Reul served as the Benefits Program Manager for three years, and was promoted to Assistant Director of Human Resources in 2019.

Before joining the city, Reul held numerous positions in the field of Human Resources, including serving as a Corporate Benefits Manager for a private company in Boca Raton for 10 years.  She has extensive experience designing and implementing benefits and wellbeing programs to align with organizational strategy and provide meaningful benefits to employees. 

In addition, Reul serves on the General Employee Pension Board. She is also member of the Society for Human Resources (SHRM), National Notary Association, and International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR.) Reul holds a Professional in Human Resources (PHR) Certification, and a SHRM-CP Certification. She is also a Public Notary.   

Reul holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management. She is also a Coral Springs resident who enjoys spending time with her four children.


Webinar: Public Service Motivation
04/20/2023 at 1:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 04/20/2023
04/20/2023 at 1:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 04/20/2023 In honor of Volunteer Recognition Day, PSHRA is hosting a discussion of Public Service Motivation. During this session, participants will learn how to motivate, engage and retain employees by strengthening their connection to the community they serve. Employees who develop a strong sense of connection and pride in serving their communities are more likely to go above and beyond to support the organization's mission and values. Best practices and employee testimonies will be shared to reinforce the power of connection and highlight how the City of Coral Springs has integrated employee volunteerism into their employee engagement and retention strategies. Please join us on April 20th at 1:00 pm EDT to learn more: Speakers: Dale Pazdra, Deputy City Manager, City of Coral Springs, Florida Kathy Reul, Director of Human Resources, City of Coral Springs, Florida (For National PSHRA Members Only)
Webinar Feedback
5 Questions
5 Questions Let us know your thoughts on this webinar.
Certificate of Completion
1.00 IPMA-CP-IPMA-SCP Recertification Point credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 IPMA-CP-IPMA-SCP Recertification Point credit  |  Certificate available