Executive Leadership Certificate Program


FOR HR PROFESSIONALS, to enhance core skills through the critical lenses of Business Acumen, DEIA, Strategic Orientation and Innovation. As part of this course, you develop a personal development plan that prepares you for future success by improving your HR leadership skills and helping you develop targeted initiatives to improve your agency.

This course will prepare you to build your HR competencies and help you strategically position HR as a transformative business partner and leader in the organization.

Course Outcomes: 

  • Build your skill set in the 4 HR Lenses: business acumen; innovation; strategic orientation; and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. As part of this course, you will build a personal development plan for these competencies. 
  • Build your skill set in the HR Areas of Focus: leadership, culture, talent, technology, and communication. You will build a personal development plan for these competencies as well.
  • Learn strategies for building, presenting, and gaining buy-in for the initiatives you develop to improve how HR is positioned within your agency.

Online Lessons and Cohort Sessions:

This course includes six online lessons you will complete on your own and three cohort sessions facilitated by a cohort guide. The online lessons will give you an opportunity to assess your skills; teach important concepts, principles and practices; and help you begin planning improvement initiatives. The cohort discussions will give you an opportunity to share ideas and learn from your  peers.  In the cohort discussions you will further develop and refine the improvement plans you draft in the online sessions.

HR Executive Leadership:

Best practices on how to develop your HR public sector leadership skills in the 4 lenses (business acumen; innovation; strategic orientation; and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility) and the 5 Areas of Focus (leadership, culture, talent, technology, and communications). The HR20/20 Report will introduce you to the Lenses and Areas of Focus.

Course Design:

The timeline below gives you an overview of the lessons and sessions in this course, their order, and when the cohort sessions will occur. This course will be completed over the next six weeks.

Note: You will be provided with the specific dates, times, and locations for the cohort sessions. 

Time Commitment:

Consider scheduling 60 - 90 minutes for the online lessons to read through the material, complete the activities, and prepare for the cohort sessions. Complete the lessons at least a day or two before the cohort session to give yourself time to reflect on what you have learned and the plans you have developed.

Course Price:

Member Price:  $1,200.00 and Non-Member Price:  $1,400.00

PSHRA Course Interest List:

Want to register for a course but no offering is available?  Please add your name to our PSHRA Course Interest List and we will notify you once course offerings have been added.

Upcoming Courses

  • This course is open from June 4, 2024 - July 12, 2024

    Syllabus:  Public Sector HR Executive Leadership Certificate Program


    Start Date: June 4, 2024

    End Date: July 12, 2024


    Instructor:  Mary Rowe


    PSHRA Contact:  Debbie Tankersely-Snook, tankersely@pshra.org



    Welcome to PSHRA's Public Sector HR Executive Leadership Certificate Program. This course will enhance your HR public sector leadership skills and help you develop targeted initiatives to improve your agency.


    Course Outcomes

    This course is designed to help you build your HR competencies and help you strategically position HR as a transformative business partner and leader in the organization.

    To achieve this, the course focuses on 3 related areas:

    • Your skill set in the 4 HR Lenses: business acumen; innovation; strategic orientation; and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. As part of this course, you will build a personal development plan for these competencies. 
    • Your skill set in the HR Areas of Focus: leadership, culture, talent, technology, and communication. You will build a personal development plan for these competencies as well.
    • Finally, you'll learn strategies for building, presenting, and gaining buy-in for the initiatives you develop to improve how HR is positioned within your agency.

    You will finish this course with:

    • a personal professional development plan,
    • actions you will take to improve how HR is positioned within your agency.


    You will earn a Certificate of Executive Leadership from PSHRA with your successful completion of both the online lessons and cohort session.

    You may have attended an Executive Leadership in-person course.  Welcome! This learning experience will complement and enhance the material from that program and provide additional support as you build your leadership expertise.


    Course Design:

    This course includes six lessons that you'll take online and three cohort sessions where you'll meet with peers also taking this course. The online lessons will give you an opportunity to assess your development opportunities; teach important concepts, principles, and practices; and will help you begin planning improvement initiatives. Explore the course interactive elements and links to outside references to get the most out of the course.  The cohort discussions will give you an opportunity to share ideas and learn from your peers. In the cohort discussions you will further develop and refine the improvement plans you draft in the online sessions.


    Time Commitment:

    The more dedicated time and effort you put into this course the more you will get out of it.

    To read the material, complete the activities, and prepare for the cohort discussions, consider scheduling 60 - 90 minutes for each lesson. Try to take the lesson at least several days before the cohort discussion - to give yourself time to reflect on what you have learned and the plans you have developed.

    Cohort Schedule (Subject to Change): 

    Cohort # 1 – To Be Determined

    Cohort # 2 – To Be Determined

    Cohort #3 -- To Be Determined


    Week 1:

    Online Lesson (self-paced)

    Lesson 1: Introduction

    Course Introduction.


    Week 2:

     Online Lesson (self-paced)

    Lesson 2: Assess Your Skills Through the Critical Lenses

    Learn more about business acumen; innovation; strategic orientation; and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.


    Cohort Session (virtual)

    Session 1: Introduction and Assess Your Skill Set

    Reviewing and discussing the content from the first two lessons.


    Week 3:

    Online Lesson (self-paced)

    Lesson 3: Assess Your Skills Through the Areas of Focus

    Learn more about leadership, culture, talent, technology, and communication.


    Week 4:

    Online Lesson (self-paced)

    Lesson 4: Your Role as a Trusted Advisor

    Learn about executive presence, leading with empathy, and how to build trust to drive collaboration.


    Cohort Session (virtual)

    Session 2: Area of Focus Skills and Being a Trusted Advisor

    Reviewing and discussing the content from the third and fourth lesson.


    Week 5:

    Online Lesson (self-paced)

    Lesson 5: Creating a Personal Development Plan

    Take all that you've learned in the online lessons and cohort sessions and create a personal development plan.

    Week: 6

    Online Lesson (self-paced)

    Lesson 6: Leveraging Your Skills

    Create a plan to influence agency strategy and short-term projects based upon the skills learned in this course.


    Cohort Session (virtual)

    Session 3: Personal Development Plan and Leveraging Your Skills

    Reviewing and discussing the content from the fifth and sixth lessons.


    Course Workbook:

    The course includes a workbook.  You'll use the workbook throughout the course to reflect on what you're learning, record ideas, plan for future personal development, and plan activities for your agency. There are two versions:

    • a PDF version - if you'd like to print it and write your answers and ideas and
    • an MS Word version - if you'd prefer to work electronically.

    The files have the same content - just differences in page layout. You will use the workbook while taking the online lessons and while attending the cohort sessions.

    The workbook is available by selecting the Course Materials tab and then Executive Leadership Workbook